Tuesday, August 11, 2009

(The making of) Double Dutch in Peekskill

This year is Hudson year. Henry Hudson was a Brit working for the dutch VOC. 400 years ago he 'discovered' this wide beautiful river going all the way up to Albany, the state capital.
All this will be celebrated this year with lots of activities. One of them being this exhibition of contemporary holland related artists at Hudson Valley Cultural Centre in Peekskill .
With Alon Levin, Marc Bijl, Job Koelewijn, Erik van Lieshout, Lara Schnitger, Guido van der Werve ,Martha Colburn and some more. So, I am one of them.
I'm making my second big outdoor piece (one year after Sonsbeek). It's a complicated piece with 13 kaleidoscopes that will be installed for the duration of the exhibition (1 year!) on the shores of the Hudson. I'm excited. This is going to be good, I think. It's really a great (private) museum.
Will be working very hard on it coming 10 days and thinking about it, so I can't show pictures of it yet. Showing a art piece under construction is extremely private;

But I can show a drawing of the piece.

and my studio-box.
The show only opens in a month, but already lots of activities here.
I will do more posts on this town coming days. It's a nice town.

Roman ondak in MoMa (2.5 million visitors a year)

A few years ago I saw this Slovakian artist, Roman Ondak at some gallery in the Fiac; Around 15 very divers little drawings of paintings in a exhibition space.
He had asked a number of friends to make a drawing of his upcoming exhibition in the gallery. That's simple! So that was the show; how his friends imagined his exhibition should look like, exhibited in that very space. It was wonderful.
Now he's in the project space of moma with another simple , drawing related great piece;
Measuring the universe.

Everybody can leave his name, the date, and line above his head.
Like people do all around the world with growing children.
This will only work in a Museum like Moma with 2.5 million visitor a year.
Again; wonderful piece.

people lining to leave their line.