Yesterday I had to do a little presentation to members of the Peekskill townhall.
My piece will be installed for a year , on a popular spot where the community likes to sit on a bench and look over the wide river.
So it was important to makethe politicians of Peekskill happy with the idea. It's a small town and if people don't like it, they will go see there representative. So, everybody needs to be well informed
Job Koelewijn and another local dutch artist , Daan Levin will also have pieces here. It's a great spot near the train station (people (on their way to DIA-Beacon? (10min form here) can see it from the train).
8 representatives where sitting behind 8 laptops by a rectangular table. 2 fancy camera's where filming from two angels everything. This was all in a very small room; around 8x7 meter. Facing the townhall people where other people with presentations. And besides me, two people from the museum. It went all very smoothly and people seemed to be interested. There was also some local press. Earlier that day, the sheriff came visit me in the parking lot of the museum to look at my piece. He looked like a sheriff should look like (but without a hat) and really liked it.
In a small town so close to NY, they are very happy when something is happening in their community. Especially because it's a poor town in a very rich county Westchester ( in villages very close by live celebrities such as Keith Richards, Glenn Close and the Clintons)