All interesting shows at Whitney Museum at this moment; a new animation by Sadie Benning (who was also included in the Animated Painting show I am in at the moment in Tijuana,MX). A big Oldenburg/Van Bruggen drawings show and a retrospective of Dan Graham.
It took me a while to get into D.G. work. 10 years ago I thought it was just sublime-obsessive minimal art. But since I understand now that his work is at his best in a social context, I see it differently; It's very social. Without people using it,in it; it's not working.
It doesn't has much to do with Judd, Serra,LeWit, etc.
Might also help that I use myself spaces and mirrors,recently. And bands. So I have never been inspired by him, but now I see I could.
Graham, not a musician himself but always on top of the scene and very involved,in the NY 80 music scene (Kim Gordon quote; "Without Dan Graham Sonic Youth would not have existed") So this exhibition comes with a music program. Last Friday I saw 2 young guitar band playing; These are powers (great video) and the Vivian Girls. I liked the first one a lot. Very fresh and with a group of boys & girls dancing in silver costumes. Unfortunately the band did not play in any of his pavilion, but downstairs in the cafetaria.
But by sitting outside, backstage I created my own Dan Graham-experience, while looking through the large window.
They often have bands and performances there.(all the museums have so much night activities going on, that's something Amsterdam really misses...)
It's not so much a suitable place but it really gives the building, a great energy. It's strange; I used to dislike going to the Whitney because of the building. It's a bit clumsy and heavy. But now, I like it much better. Maybe I am fed up with the oh,so elegant white musea.
It's a bit a odd combination heavy metal/punkband like Minor Threat on a video in the same room with his glass pavilions. I understand he likes that music, the aggression and energy of it.
But, isn't all that urban aggression also generated by frustration from living in a steel, glass & concrete jungle?
There is a lot of friction in this show, that that is probably why it's a good show.
The exhibition catalogue is also great; With a funny manga-biografy about the live of Dan Graham.
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