in the centre; opa by paul de reus
I went to this very nice bookstore Spoonbill & Sugartown on hipster Bedfordavenue in Williamsburg. It's the perfect bookstore; not too big, for US standard it would be a small bookstore; secondhand , new and magazines. It's all about the selection; Very good. They do well; My old Amsterdam-upstairs-neighbor-moved-to-NY, Viv, self published a novel and it's a bestseller here. That is extremely difficult without a publisher, PR , agent etc,etc. I asked and to my joy heard they sold many copies of my drawings on writing
It's great to see so many books by people I know. Most from Holland; Melanie Bonajo, Saskia Jansen, Paul de Reus,Hendrik Gerritzen and more; all on display.
Not because these are famous artist in NY. No, just because these are really great books. I had never seen the Saskia Jansen book in Holland. (the magazine selection carries FOAM magazine, Butt (they sell that everywhere now, even in Pakistani runned news-paper stands) and Volume.)
It's a strange thought; but with no real art bookstore in Amsterdam; Do you have to go to Brooklyn to buy dutch art books?
I bought a great book I was looking for since a long time;

Heavenly Visions: Shaker Gift Drawings and Gift Songs.
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