The fun about music record shows is that there's a big change you have some pieces that are in the show.
Last year I made a show like that with Maarten Hepp and Yannick Bouillis and the show looked great. It's quite easy to make such an exhibition, all you need is a few record collectors. Costs is nothing. We got very good responds (on museum wanted to take over the whole show (haven't heard from them since; But anyway; it's a big compliment)
So when Moma steals your idea (...) you expect something amazing!
Well; The show is quite disappointing. Some records on the wall with headphones, some 70/80 art and video. Not a very thoughtful smart exhibition.
Why two richard prince picture of Cindy Sherman in this show?
The most famous Nan Golding foto (the bedroom) is also in the show for some unclear reason.
Couldn't they get the original from this Basquiat drawing next to the cover, for example?
Aren't all Blondie record covers actually really bad?
And then the choices are all very, very 'correct' and NYC; Velvet underground, Sonic Youth, Talking heads, Television,Patti Smith, etc.
All great, ja, but all super 'good taste' arty-bands.
They have one little wall, that looks a bit like a teenager bedroom wall; poster , pictures and other paraphernalia.
This is the 45t Hey Joe/Piss Factory by Patti Smith.
According to Moma; THIS is the very first Punk record ever made........
When you listen to it; you hear patti sing, play piano and acoustic guitar.
That's not Punk!
That's folk music.
Maybe a bit angry folk, but damn! no punk.
This is my little punk-lecture;
Americans really think they invented punk nowadays.
(Mink de Ville who died today was according to the paper also punk..)
They like to call everything from around 1975 that is not disco, punk.
There where lots of amazing bands in NY that inspired the Brits to start punk, and they all had very different looks. Different from each other and different from how big rock band looked then. The brits invented Punk as a look, a way to be and yes, and a sound. You could say they made it into a trend, The idea; anybody can do it; That is brittish to me and that's the spirit. American so, called punk musicians, are in fact all much better musicians then the brits. That's a fact. Listen today to UK 77 punkbands like The damned, Chelsea, X-ray spex, Siouxie and the Banshees and you have to admit they are all pretty bad. The spirit is still OK, the music is outdated. But I still like t0 listen to Richard Hell, Television, Blondie, Talking heads, Feelies, Devo, Johnny Thunders, Suicide, etc
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