Stuart Bailey / Dexter Sinister organized a evening at the kitchen under the name; True Mirror Microchip. A interesting choreographed mix of lectures, fading in fading out lectures, lecture over the phone, stereo lecture-lecture, powerpoint, etc, etc. High-infotainment. (or infotainment with a big i!)
There was also a guy who had a amazing machine; it's like a edison waxcylinder recorder. (circa 1870) but here the needles records not on wax rolls but on a simple plastic-cups. And then by changing the needle you can play the cup! (Forgot to get the guys name, would have been perfect for oorbeek).
After the show this brit comes to me and says; 'Hey Miguel there's your double again!' pointing out at me. (They where also at the Jeff Perkins lecture). (I have to admit, I did noticed that Miguel Abreu looks a bit like me. ) But when someone starts shouting around that I'm his double; Little embarrassing. But funny on a evening where there was a lot on mirrors, stereo, etc.
Ok, we did made a picture;
A few hours later, I'm on the subway, heading home when a tall black homeless/can-collector guy comes and sit next to me. He's very friendly. And offers me a heineken.
His name is Lemmy and he asks what my name is.
'Oh, Serge.. Yeah, I know a guy called Serge. He kills people."
.......'oh. interesting....'
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